It's insane to think that out of 6 million people that live in the city of Chennai I have yet to see a white person! Okay to be honest, I did see one white person today when we were in a supermart but he worked there and I think he must have been an albino Indian (just kidding). It really is a privilege to be here and I feel so special when we are traveling around and everyone is excited to see us. I'm learning that even with a language barrier, God has still given us means to communicate. A smile and wave is everything and I love to see a child's face light up with joy when we smile at them.
These men really wanted me to take their picture! I wondered why and Vishani told me because they hope that they would be seen in America. You are making this come true :)
This morning Dr. P and Vasanta, his wife, took us shopping! The girls wanted sarees and the guys wanted suits! It was a much longer process than I had imagined. First, picking out your fabric. Then, going to a different place in the shop and getting the skirt for underneath. Also, buying another piece of fabric for the top tunic part. Finally, taking all your purchases to a tailor of your choosing to make all of it. We will have them back in a couple of days so we can bring them home to wear! I'm so excited to wear my Saree during our report back service :)
This in in the shop that we bought our cloth for our Sarees. But in every shop and everywhere really, there are idols and offerings set up for their idols.
The men who will sew our Sarees!
We once again had lunch at Dr. P's house and we were discussing what we would be doing that day when we were getting ready to leave. Our team knew that we would be going to an orphanage but that was the extent of it. It is definitely about flexibility while being here and just serving Dr. P. So Dr. P tells us, "Today we are going to orphanage. And two villages. We will preach the gospel. People will get saved. And then we can plant churches there. We plant two churches today." No one said this but we are all thinking, "wait, what? can we do all that in one day?" By the power of God we can!
Lots of cows or water buffalo? in the road on the way to the village
We went to the first village, hopped out of the van and started preaching to the people there. Dr. P and his wife sang a song to draw a crowd. But having eleven white people in a remote village is also a big crowd magnet :) There were tons of kids and they all wanted to shake our hands again and again. They loved having our attention and even though we couldn't say much to them we were able to ask them their names and tell them ours. We went in turns sharing our part of the gospel presentation and tonight I was able to share. Before it was my turn, I was overcome with sadness and gratefulness. Sadness that these people are so lost, but gratefulness that God has saved me and also provided a way for them. It was such a neat experience to be able to boldly proclaim God's love and truth to these people over a loudspeaker. When it was over, Dr. P asks who wanted to accept Christ and told them to raise their hands. So many did, at least 15-20 people. Praise God! Pastor Paul, who was also with us will be able to go back into this village and disciple and plant a church among these people.

The kids love to have their picture taken. It was like a stampede!
We left the first village and traveled about five minutes to the next one. This village was much smaller but it seemed like the whole village gathered to hear us speak. They were so attentive and also responsive to our message. Just one of our team members, Zach, shared the gospel with them and Dr. P translated. It was an amazing message and God truly spoke through him. At the end, Dr. P gave the invitation and over 40 people came forward to give their lives to Christ!! After we prayed, we had the opportunity to meet and talk with the people. It amazes me and will continue to amaze me that they are so thankful and joyful we are there. I am so thankful and joyful that these people are blessing me even though they do not realize it.
Chris and Zach with some who have accepted Christ.
Today and yesterday God has been replaying his Word in my mind again and again and showing me it's truthfulness in what is happening. In Matthew 9:36-38, "When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, 'The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest'". The harvest is so plentiful in India and all across the world. There are so many unreached people groups and so many who have not heard the good news of Jesus Christ. God wants to send out more laborers for his harvest. Please pray that God would provide those who need to be sent and I also ask that you would seriously consider whether God is leading you to be a laborer among this great harvest.
Finally, we set off to the church where the orphanage is. Dr. P provides for ten children in this orphanage. There are nine boys and one girl, but we did not meet the girl tonight because she is staying somewhere different. We brought backpacks and school supplies to give to the children and then we had dinner with them. It was great to be with them and also learn more about their needs from Dr. P. They are currently living in a kind of thatch hut with Pastor Paul who traveled to both villages with us tonight. But the government will not allow it anymore and the children will have to find another place to stay. Dr. P can either have another building built or replace some roofing contaminated with asbestos on his second floor and have them stay with him and his wife. The problem is that either solution will cost alot of money and they do not have the funds for either. Pray that Dr. P will have wisdom on what to do and also that God will provide financially for these children.

Dinner time! Kristy, Chelsea, and Ray
Some of the orphans and I. And Manchester United backpacks!! Woo :)
Well tonight was a long day and we got in late, but God did some glorious things! It is now past 2AM and I'm just a little bit tired :P Goodnight!