Thursday, 17 March 2011

Everybody! Let's Cupid Shuffle :)

I think today was the best day that I have had here so far.  We started this morning off with such a sweet time at devotions.  It is so cool to see how we have grown together as a team and that God has made us unified in him! Zach shared about how we are to be ambassadors for Christ.  God has given us this great message and his exact words that he wants us to tell the world.  In Ephesians 6: 20 it says, "for which I am an ambassador in chains, that I may declare it boldly, as I ought to speak".

"And this is eternal life, that they know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent." -John 17:3

"But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." -Romans 5:8

Today started off with fun and ended with so much fun! We went to Dr. P's house for lunch and ended up having a jam session as well.  Ray started playing around on the accordion and Dr. P also started playing his accordion for us.  He is so good! And he taught himself how to play it.  He played some hymns that we knew and we were able to sing along....somewhat. Haha I admit that I don't know hymns that well. While we were at Dr. P's house we were able to meet Vasanta's sister and her son.  Their husband/father died very recently and suddenly due to a tragic event and they are in such mourning. :(  He was the president of Dr. P's Bible College and they have lost a great man of God who was doing glorious work.

Dr. P jammin!

Our ministry for the day began at a village where Dr. P has already established a church.  He wanted us to see it and to pray for the people and pastor there.  But God gave us another awesome opportunity as well.  Apparently volleyball is a really big thing in India! They all love to play it, or at least around Chennai.  As we've been traveling I've seen alot of people playing volleyball.  There was a volleyball match going on and we decided to hop it! It was so much fun and the people really enjoyed watching some of us fail horribly at playing.  I also got to play soccer with some of the kids there.  I like volleyball but I saw some of the kids kicking around a soccer ball and had to get in on the action! I got to kick the ball a lot because they all wanted to kick it back at me and then have me kick it to them.  It was sad when we had to leave there, I would have loved to spend more time with those people.  

We have learned something very important about doing ministry and sharing the gospel.  First, you have to drink chai tea.  Everyday before we have gone into the villages, we have stopped somewhere and gotten tea! As Dr. P would say, "First, we drink tea.  Then, preach the gospel."  Well, it works!! We might need to start doing this in America! :)

"First, we drink tea! Then, preach gospel!"

This was a hindu temple to a cobra that we saw.  On the right is the girl who is responsible for tending to it. 

It was dark by the time we got to the next village.  It was one of the larger one that we have visited and Dr. P said that there are probably around 1,000 people living there.  A large crowd gathered when we hopped out.  Vasanta had taught us a kids song to sing in Tamil, so we were able to sing with her and sing to the kids in their heart language.  That was really neat.  This village was different from any other in that there were so many men, young and old, that came to hear our message.  I was very excited about this.  Some of the men looked so old that it seemed as if death was knocking at their door and I saw their desperate need for the gospel.  Praise God that he revealed his truth to so many people through our gospel presentation and we got to see many souls saved! Most all of the older men were saved and overall most of the men that were there made decisions.

Finally, we ended the night by going to a village where Dr. P has a church.  They served us dinner and I finally ate with my hands! Have you ever eaten regular rice with your hands?  Definitely a talent to be mastered.  It was a good experience but the chicken was really hot and it burned my fingers!  While we were eating, I seriously felt like I was an animal in a zoo.  Our team was eating inside the church and all the people of the village were outside surrounding the church peering in through the windows, saying "hi!", and wanting us to wave at them.  It was kind of weird, but also very funny.  After we were done eating all the people came into the church and surprisingly there were a lot of hindus that came.  It gave us an amazing opportunity! Chris shared the gospel and Dr. P translated.  Many were saved and I was once again overwhelmed at God's grace.  God's gift of salvation will never get old.

I loved the people in this village! They were so loving to us.  A girl came around and put flowers in our hair.  Plus it was neat because we got to spend a good amount of time with them.  The title of my post is about to make sense to you! Just wait for it :) Chelsea and I were sitting in front of a group of children.  There were a lot of boys crowded around me and one of them could speak English fairly well.  He asked me if I liked their village.  If I like watermelon and if I was going to take the watermelon that they had for us there.  But he and all the other boys wanted me to sing an american song! I said, "Ah no, I'm not a very good singer! I don't know". Then he said, "Dance! American dance!" And I said okay! and you do an Indian dance for us :) I honestly couldn't think of any american dances to do at that point so I asked Zach what a good one would be.  And thus the Cupid Shuffle was decided upon!! We got the team together and started dancing the cupid shuffle in the church.  It was so much fun even though the people thought it was a really strange dance, but they loved it just the same!  We also got two of the guys to dance for us :)

The first baby that I held! This woman really wanted me to hold him :)

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Idols abound but God prevails

Everyday here is amazing.  I can't get over it.

In the van on the way to the first village!

We started our day with devotions as a team in the morning and then went to Dr. P's for lunch.  Then off to the villages! We had to drive a good bit today and as we were driving through different towns and villages I noticed just how many temples there are around.  It seemed like every couple of blocks there was another temple dedicated to a hindu god.  Some of the team members were asking Dr. P and Vasanta about different animals in India, they were wanting rides on elephants haha.  While we were on the subject of elephants, Vasanta was telling me how sometimes they will take an elephant into the temple and worship it.  They will even take the elephant dung and pray and make sacrifices to it.  They also take their pee and sprinkle it around their houses because they believe it will keep away evil spirits.  It is so sad that they are so desperate for something to fill the void they feel in their lives and desperate enough to worship elephant dung!

One of the temples I saw while traveling.

We got an earlier start today so when we got to the first village it was still light and we were able to spend more time with these people.  We go to the villages later in the day so that we will be there when the kids are out of school and the older people of the community are home from work.  We went into the heart of this village to share the gospel and had so many children and others come to hear.  When Dr. P gave the invitation to ask for forgiveness and accept Christ as their Lord, there was such a great response! I'm amazed how God is changing lives. He is so good!

The people are praying to accept Christ! 
Right after getting saved this woman asked for prayer for her son.  They prayed for him then went and shared the gospel with him and he was saved as well! Praise God :)
Did you know roosters can fly? This one was up in a tree and when it came down it almost landed on Dr. P's head while he was praying! Craziness!

Afterward we played with the kids and I don't know how this happened, but I became a human jungle gym.  So many kids started climbing on me and wanted me to pick them up.  I was overwhelmed but totally loving it! I wish that we could have spent even more time with them to love on them. 

It was dark when we got to the next village.  About 100 yards from where we were sharing the gospel with the people of this village there was a hindu temple that had such a dark feeling about it.  I felt like there was such oppression and darkness among these people.  I was overcome with how much they need God's truth and I was so thankful that God was able to use me to share it with them.  Many people did accept Christ. Glory to God! And I know that God is going to do a good work among them.  Another pastor (Pastor Daniel) who graduated from Dr. P's Bible College is going to be discipling the people and planting churches in both of the villages we were in tonight. I pray that they would grow in an intimate relationship with God and share Him with the others who did not accept Him yet.  

The temple in the second village.

Vasanta, Chelsea, Laura and I :) 

And finally....the toilet that I used before dinner. Haha what good times :) Believe me, this is like 10 steps up from the "toilet" that Chris, Chelsea and I used yesterday in a village. 

Thanks so much for your continued prayers!! We greatly appreciate it! Pray that God will continue to reveal Himself to the people here and that we would be used in a mighty way!


Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Where are all the white people?

It's insane to think that out of 6 million people that live in the city of Chennai I have yet to see a white person! Okay to be honest, I did see one white person today when we were in a supermart but he worked there and I think he must have been an albino Indian (just kidding).  It really is a privilege to be here and I feel so special when we are traveling around and everyone is excited to see us.  I'm learning that even with a language barrier, God has still given us means to communicate.  A smile and wave is everything and I love to see a child's face light up with joy when we smile at them.

These men really wanted me to take their picture! I wondered why and Vishani told me because they hope that they would be seen in America.  You are making this come true :)

This morning Dr. P and Vasanta, his wife, took us shopping! The girls wanted sarees and the guys wanted suits!  It was a much longer process than I had imagined.  First, picking out your fabric.  Then, going to a different place in the shop and getting the skirt for underneath.  Also, buying another piece of fabric for the top tunic part. Finally, taking all your purchases to a tailor of your choosing to make all of it.  We will have them back in a couple of days so we can bring them home to wear! I'm so excited to wear my Saree during our report back service :)
This in in the shop that we bought our cloth for our Sarees.  But in every shop and everywhere really, there are idols and offerings set up for their idols. 
The men who will sew our Sarees!

We once again had lunch at Dr. P's house and we were discussing what we would be doing that day when we were getting ready to leave.  Our team knew that we would be going to an orphanage but that was the extent of it.  It is definitely about flexibility while being here and just serving Dr. P.  So Dr. P tells us, "Today we are going to orphanage. And two villages.  We will preach the gospel.  People will get saved.  And then we can plant churches there.  We plant two churches today."  No one said this but we are all thinking, "wait, what? can we do all that in one day?"  By the power of God we can!
Lots of cows or water buffalo? in the road on the way to the village

We went to the first village, hopped out of the van and started preaching to the people there.  Dr. P and his wife sang a song to draw a crowd.  But having eleven white people in a remote village is also a big crowd magnet :) There were tons of kids and they all wanted to shake our hands again and again.  They loved having our attention and even though we couldn't say much to them we were able to ask them their names and tell them ours.  We went in turns sharing our part of the gospel presentation and tonight I was able to share.  Before it was my turn,  I was overcome with sadness and gratefulness.  Sadness that these people are so lost, but gratefulness that God has saved me and also provided a way for them.  It was such a neat experience to be able to boldly proclaim God's love and truth to these people over a loudspeaker.  When it was over, Dr. P asks who wanted to accept Christ and told them to raise their hands.  So many did, at least 15-20 people.  Praise God! Pastor Paul, who was also with us will be able to go back into this village and disciple and plant a church among these people.
The kids love to have their picture taken.  It was like a stampede!

We left the first village and traveled about five minutes to the next one.  This village was much smaller but it seemed like the whole village gathered to hear us speak.  They were so attentive and also responsive to our message.  Just one of our team members, Zach, shared the gospel with them and Dr. P translated.  It was an amazing message and God truly spoke through him.  At the end, Dr. P gave the invitation and over 40 people came forward to give their lives to Christ!! After we prayed, we had the opportunity to meet and talk with the people.  It amazes me and will continue to amaze me that they are so thankful and joyful we are there.  I am so thankful and joyful that these people are blessing me even though they do not realize it.
Chris and Zach with some who have accepted Christ.

Today and yesterday God has been replaying his Word in my mind again and again and showing me it's truthfulness in what is happening.  In Matthew 9:36-38, "When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.  Then he said to his disciples, 'The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest'".  The harvest is so plentiful in India and all across the world.  There are so many unreached people groups and so many who have not heard the good news of Jesus Christ.  God wants to send out more laborers for his harvest.  Please pray that God would provide those who need to be sent and I also ask that you would seriously consider whether God is leading you to be a laborer among this great harvest.

Finally, we set off to the church where the orphanage is.  Dr. P provides for ten children in this orphanage.  There are nine boys and one girl, but we did not meet the girl tonight because she is staying somewhere different.  We brought backpacks and school supplies to give to the children and then we had dinner with them.  It was great to be with them and also learn more about their needs from Dr. P.  They are currently living in a kind of thatch hut with Pastor Paul who traveled to both villages with us tonight.  But the government will not allow it anymore and the children will have to find another place to stay.  Dr. P can either have another building built or replace some roofing contaminated with asbestos on his second floor and have them stay with him and his wife.  The problem is that either solution will cost alot of money and they do not have the funds for either.  Pray that Dr. P will have wisdom on what to do and also that God will provide financially for these children.
Dinner time! Kristy, Chelsea, and Ray
Some of the orphans and I. And Manchester United backpacks!! Woo :) 

Well tonight was a long day and we got in late, but God did some glorious things!  It is now past 2AM and I'm just a little bit tired :P Goodnight!

Monday, 14 March 2011

First Day in India!

It's the end of my first day in India and it has been amazing! We got up, had devotions and prayed as a team and then went exploring a bit outside.  We went walking for about an hour on the main street that our hotel is on.  It is very different from anywhere else I have ever been.  The first thing that is so different is how dirty it is.  The streets are lined with trash and dirt everywhere.  Walking along the streets we saw a house that was piled with trash and old cars in the front yard.  Another thing that is very different is the driving!! There are so many people on the roads and they like to honk! Alot :) I woke up this morning to the sound of honking from the streets outside.  At first I thought it was something rude but after talking to another member on my team, I found out that it's more for safely.  By honking, they let other drivers and pedestrians that they are there and to watch out for them because they might be trying to get by.  The roads are paved and have the usual lines that divide the traffic lanes, but it seems that those are more guidelines than law. No one abides by where the lines are, they just drive!

This afternoon Dr. P picked us up from our hotel and we went to his house for lunch. His wife made us some rice and chicken, and spicy chicken, and cucumbers, and watermelon, and then put more rice and chicken on our plates, and then a third time too. Haha needless to say i was very much full until dinner.  I felt bad for not finishing my meal but there was no way, she gave me so much! After lunch, Dr. P showed us his church building and bible school library. 

The final journey for the night was an hour and a half van ride to a leper colony.  It was the best part of the day.  I had been looking forward to visiting them since we began preparing for this trip in November but I had no idea what to expect.  I was nervous the whole way there wondering what they would think of us or even how I was suppose to interact with these people.  The moment I stepped out of the van, the people were surrounding the church building that Dr. P had established there and were also surrounding us, welcoming us and giving a gift of necklaces on each one of us.  That was the first thing that got me.  We came to love and serve these people and they are giving us gifts! Wow. We went into the church building and sat at the front of the church in chairs they provided for us.  Dr. P began to play his accordion and another pastor led them in song while we clapped along not knowing the words.  This was a truly overwhelming experience for me and even now I am still overwhelmed.  It was an amazing experience to be able to worship with God's people literally halfway around the world from me.  This is how God intended it to be.  God has such a great love for these people that we are usually so disconnected with.  But tonight I was able to connect with them in worship   and be in fellowship with them.  It reminded me how it says in Philippians 2:9-11: "Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father" and also in Revelation 7:9-10: "After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb,clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands, and crying out with a loud voice, "Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!" How amazing that day will be.  Really that is how it should be now and I think it grieves God that we aren't doing more as believers to reach out to the other body of believers around the world. 

After we preached the gospel, many came forward to be saved. Praise God.  And then we we're able to give them rice that we had brought for them and just hang out with them.  I didn't understand what they were saying but a couple people came to me and wanted me to pray for them.  They also loved getting their picture taken with us :) 

It was hard to say goodbye but I am so excited to see what God is going to do the rest of this week and tomorrow! 

Thanks for your prayers!